Wednesday 21 March 2012

Rise against in Vienna

Yesterday me, M and a friend of Ms' went to a concert in Vienna. From the drive between Vöcklabruck and Vienna I cannot say that much since I slept both ways over half of the time. Typical of me.

3 bands played in the concert: Touché AmoréArchitects and Rise Against.

I had a hunch what was waiting for me, but I havent heard songs from the 2 first bands before. I have known Rise Against for many years but have never really put them on my playlist. The first band was partially really cool and sometimes it was just screaming(at least for me). But then I realised I should listen how they play (Thanks M) and that made me like the music. I was hoping the same for the second band but I was wrong. I like rock and punk music and a bit harder direction of these music genres but I think this was the first and the last time I listened to Architects. Everyone can have their own opinion about this.

With Rise Against I was positively surprised, only one or two songs were such that I did not like at all. But today it has been almost the only band which I have been listening to. The best song from their performance was "Swing life away" during which the lead singer Tim McIlrath sat with a guitar on the stage and sung the song. The best thing was that his shadow was reflecting to the back wall of the Wiener Stadthalle. Here the song:

Käännös: Käytiin eilen Wienissä konsertissa M:n ja yhden hänen kaverinsa kanssa. Automatkasta ei ole sen enempää sanomista koska nukkusin molempiin suuntiin melkein koko matkan. Minulla oli oletus mimmoista musiikkia minua odotti, aika kovaa rock/punk musaa. Ensimmäinen bändi, Touche Amore, yllätti positiivisesti, toisesta bändistä Architects en perusta yhtään, oli ensimmäinen ja viiminen kerta kun tätä bändiä kuuntelin. Mutta jokaisellahan saa olla oma makunsa musiikin suhteen. Molemmat soittivat ihan mahtavasti ja saivat porukan tosi hyvin mukaan tunnelmaan, katsojista huomasi kyllä ketä he olivat tulleet katsomaan: Rise Against:ia.
Rise Against suoritti Euroopan kiertueensa viimeisen keikan kunnialla. Paras osa esityksestä on yläpuolella oleva biisi, jonka bändin laulaja Tim McIlrath lauloi akustisesti pelkän kitaran kera. Hänen varjonsa heijastui hienosti Wiener Stadthallen takaseinään luoden lisää tunnelmaa.

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