Monday 19 March 2012

No Facebook, please

So last week I did it. I deleted my Facebook account. The first reaction from some of my friends was "why?". I thought, why should I stay in this internetpage which updates itself the whole time, most of the "friends" which I have in Facebook, I do not have any contact with. Of course it has also something to do with the fact that since I am a student, I spend a lot of time at my laptop. Of course, many times Facebook it on at the same time. In the end it was such a waste of time for me, it was more a waste of time than something which brought me something.

I have to say that Facebook has its good sides e.g. in staying in contact with friends who are not there where you live. Of course this was the case with my friends in Finland. But then again, with those friends, with whom I stay in contact via Facebook, also have my email adress and my cellphone number. And I have my blog ;) And in the end, we always called, sent an sms or sent an email, if we needed to contact someone. Nowadays people rather write in Facebook than use any of the mentioned ways of contact.

So now I am the outsider, who is not in Facebook. And I have to say, I don't really mind. I believe that many people are in Facebook only due social pressure: "All my friends are there, so I should also be there"

This opinion is only that of the writer of this blog, I do not speak for anyone else than for me and do not judge those in Facebook.

Käännös: Viime viikolla se sitten tapahtui, poistin Facebook-tilini. Siinä menee kaksi viikkoa että se poistuu lopullisesti mutta en voi valittaa elämästäni "ilman naamakirjaa".  Oma ongelmani on se että olen opiskelija ja vietän paljon aikaa koneella. Monesti siinä samalla Facebook oli auki. Ei siinä mitään mutta kyseinen sivusto on melko hyvä ajankuluttaja, varsinkin jos koulutyöt kiinnostavat melko vähän. Tietenkin Facebookilla on hyviäkin puolia, siellä saa helposti kontaktia kavereihinsa, tämä on minun tilanteeni Suomessa olevien ystävieni suhteen. Mutta ei kai se puhelimen käteen ottaminen, soittaminen, tekstiviestin lähettäminen tai sähköpostin lähettäminen paljon tästä poikkea. Saatan olla hieman ulkopuolinen koska en ole Facebook:ssa enää, mutta ei se haittaa. Elämä onnistuu mahtavasti ilman tätä yhtä sosiaalista mediaa ;)

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