Thursday 6 October 2011

All the small things...

Perfect form, unbelievable endurance, unbelievable result and the perfect speed.....

Sorry guys, I am not talking anything dirty here: I'm talking about my new washmachine which is whirring (suomalaisittan surraa) in our bathroom. After fighting with it on Monday, taking a break on Tuesday and then trying to open the backside with the wrong sized screwdriver on Wednesday, my dad sent me an sms about the right screwdriver (those who know their screwdrivers, its' correct name is Thorx) today morning. At this point I wish to thank one swedish furniture shop which name consists of 4 letters and is written in yellow and the shops themselves are blue!!! Thank you for putting those little L-shaped "screwdrivers" to almost every package you sell! With this little L-shaped tool, I was able to open the backside of my washmachine and realize that the bottom was not closed but open!? The small part which was bothering us was laying on the floor just waiting to be picked up.....

But anyways, I am happy to present to the whole world my new Whirlpool AWO 5423:

Then to other things:
Since I had to give up the idea of taking part in the chinese course at the university of Salzburg, I have found (thanks to Alex) a good replacement for this loss: tomorrow morning I am taking part in a japanese language course.  

Domo Arigato Gaimatsu!!

Eventhough my weekend started today, tomorrow we have a long day a head of us with many FH tasks but I cannot wait for Saturday: It's time to go and see Cirque du Soleil! 

Been waiting to get to see the show for many years and finally on Saturday its time to see the worlds best known circus. From what I understand there should be one finnish man also but he might also take part in some other tour which Cirque du Soleil is having right now.

To end my blog for today I want to recommend one really good restaurant (99% Tourist-free): Lemonchilli on Nonntaler Hauptstrasse  in Salzburg

Not only the food was amazing but they do the most amazing drinks ever which fit to the Mexican food really good. My new favourite: Hugo!

A big hug to my best mexican friend Hugo, I wish to enjoy mexican food with you one day again!

with löööööve, Elisa <3

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