Wednesday 1 February 2012

Time to pump some iron!

As my ball was not enough to tame my sport enthusiam, I signed up for the Uni Salzburgs' gym. I have to admit that I am really not such a sport junkie. I like doing sports but I have never had the feeling that I have to do sports everyday (if you don't count in shopping).

The registration for the gym started today at 8am. I need to say that it was good that M was at my place since he woke up at 7am. Otherwise it would have been highly unlikely that I would have been at the gym a bit before 8am. I was going to sign up a friend of mine there but as I am a finance student, I made a good investment myself and paid for one year 149€(that is about 12,40€/month for the gym). The line was not that bad (the style was: you have a line and they took people in this order) when I came but as I left (waited for like 15-20min) there were 15-20people in line.

The gym was opened less than a year ago and it is above "my grocery store". As I thought, I can first do sports, go downstairs and buy some chocolate for the good performance which I did at the gym :D No but seriously the gym is near my place, its easy to access and the opening times are really long. 
Let's see what comes.... I do not wish to take it over the top and have the result as shown in the photo here: 

The lady in the picture is unknown to the writer, the development of the writers gym results are not in any way connected to this person in the picture and the writer is not in anyway judging bodybuilders

So we will see how often I am gonna go to the gym. At least I got a waterbottle for "free" as I signed up!

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