Tuesday 7 February 2012

Back in Austria again!

I spent my weekend back home in Finland. All I can say that it was really relaxing and COLD. When I came to Helsinki-Vantaa, I was prepared to the fact that it was gonna be cold but come on! Less than minus 20 degrees and as I woke up on Saturday it was -29degrees! Even our bigger dog didnt want to go outside and that is certainly something which doesnt happen every day. But as she is as hard as a rock, she then wanted to go outside when it was only -23 degrees. This was the result:

As you can see, I could be the cousin of Michelin man but to be honest, after going for 20mins it was getting warm. The sun was shining but that only helped to get me warm mentally. At least yesterday, Monday, it was "only" -7degrees outside. 

But I must say, since I've grown up with these temperature changes (for some of you quite radical temperature changes), it was really not that bad to be in Finland. You sort of get used to the cold and actually enjoy it when it is only -10degrees. That is quite weird, I must say :D

I met some of my good friends during the weekend, thanks guys! It was so great to talk with you face-to-face and hear what is happening in your lifes and how everything is going right now. Facebook just doesn't do it!

One thing that really has bothered me for a long time is my bad swedish skills. That is why I went to the book store and bought me a book&cd-box "Swedish language course- basics".
The funniest thing ever about this box is written on the backside. In finnish is written: "Kuuntele-Matki-Opi", when translating it to english this would mean: "listen- imitate -learn". This could be understood as: "Monkey say, monkey do". If you cannot check the swedish language with this box, you are more stupid than a monkey :D I hope this is not the case with me.

Käännös: Vietin viikonlopun Suomessa ja oli todella rentouttavaa käydä kotona. Tapasin kavereita ja Suomessa oli aivan liian kylmä. Kun tulin lentokentältä ulos, oli pakko todeta että kyllä suomalainen talvi on omaa laatuaan. Lauantai aamulla oli melkein -30 astetta eikä meidän isompi koira halunnut edes mennä ulos. Hän on kuitenkin kovaa tekoa joten lähdin sitten hänen kanssaan ulos kun oli enää 23 astetta pakkasta. Ensimmäisessä kuvassa on tulos kun lähdettiin metsään. Mua voisi varmasti verrata Michelin miehen serkuksi. Aurinko lämmitti vain henkisesti mutta pakko sano että kyllä noihin lämpötilan vaihteluihin on tottunut kun on kasvanut Suomessa. 
Minua hävettää myöntää mutta minun ruotsinkielen taito on huonontunut huonontumistaan siitä asti kun olin Saksassa 2008-2009. Sen takia menin kirjakauppaan ja ostin itselleni vihko-cd-boxin jonka kanssa jopa apinan pitäisi oppia ruotsia. Takakannessa lukee nimittäin: "Kuuntele-matki-opi". Kiva kattoa onko mun ruotsi niin ruosteessa että saan mennä ostamaan kaupasta pelkkiä banaaneja :D

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