First of all Im having a free weekend, my holiday goes till Tuesday and today I do not plan to do nothing for my thesis. These kind of days are needed, right? ;)
Anyways, I have been living in Salzburg for 1,5 years already but Im still really stuck with the finnish quality. You see, since I have grown up in Finland, I know which label is good quality and which not. The best example are towels and bedsheets. At my home there were really many things from from Finlayson and I always heard how good the quality was. Finlayson has an "Outlet" in Forssa, that was always on the way to my grandparents who lived in Hämeenlinna. So we always made a stop in Forssa to shop at Finlayson. When I was a child I was never really interested in the stuff that was there. But now that I go there, I always find something!
My mom was in Forssa some time ago and I found last time as I was in Finland one really nice bedsheet. It is called Cotton but since it was a bit too expensice, I didnt buy it. My mom found the fabric as a big piece really cheap and she made for me and M bedsheets from the fabric. And today I put them for the first time, I am just in love with the pattern:
Käännös: Loma töistä jatkuu tiistaihin asti, mulla on siis viikonloppu vapaata. Lopputyö pysyy koskemattomana huomiseen asti. Vaikka olen asunut täällä 1,5 vuotta pitää sanoa että olen monessa asiassa vieläkin luottavaisempi suomalaisia tuotteita kohtaan kuin itävaltalaisia. Hyvä esimerkki tästä on pyyhkeet ja pussilakanat. Olen aina tykännyt Finlayson:in tuotteista ja yllä on meidän uudet pussilakanat. Valmiina pussilakanat olisi olleet tosi kalliit mutta äitini löysi ison palan Finlaysonin tehtaanmyymälästä Forssasta ja saatiin M:n kanssa tosi halvalla hienot uudet pussilakanat!!! Noissa nukkuu varmasti superhyvin!
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Monday, 26 March 2012
Most of us know the feeling that certain songs are being played everywhere and at some point you just think "I don't want to hear this song NEVER again". This happens to me all the time, I hear some great song and I listen to it way too often..... and then after a week I skip it with my MP3-player because I don't wanna hear it anymore.
Well Spotify is practical since they make different playlists and I found the following list
Top 100 tracks from 2010 - Finland (You need to have Spotify to listen to the songs, of course)
This list includes only the radio hits from 2010, but who cares, you don't here these songs in radio today that often ;)
I got good feedback about my thesis and I am really motivated to write again. So this means a good start for my holiday week!!!
Well Spotify is practical since they make different playlists and I found the following list
Top 100 tracks from 2010 - Finland (You need to have Spotify to listen to the songs, of course)
This list includes only the radio hits from 2010, but who cares, you don't here these songs in radio today that often ;)
I got good feedback about my thesis and I am really motivated to write again. So this means a good start for my holiday week!!!
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We like!!!! |
I have holiday this week, from work that is.... Actually I have free till Friday, then we have our first lectures of our last semester. And the weather forecast says sunny, warm (+20) and no clouds!
Sunday, 25 March 2012
I didnt make it last weekend to post some pictures but now I had time to take some pictures and to make a small collage. My easter grass is growing, also the peas, we ate well and I fell asleep around 22.30 on Saturday evening. Thanks to a long day at work!
Käännös: En viime viikolla ehtinyt tehdä kollaasia viikonlopusta mutta tänä viikonloppuna otin itseäni niskasta kiinni, otin kuvia ja sain ylläolevan kollaasin kasaan. Mun rairuohot kasvaa jo, herneet on kanssa alkaneet itämään! Syötiin lauantai iltana hyvää fetasalaattia, juotiin kallista (6€) viiniä ja suklaatakin ostin. Se oli uuden kahvin kanssa tosi hyvää. Mä nukahdin jo puoli yhdeltätoista lauantaina, siitä on kiitettävä pitkää työpäivää.
Käännös: En viime viikolla ehtinyt tehdä kollaasia viikonlopusta mutta tänä viikonloppuna otin itseäni niskasta kiinni, otin kuvia ja sain ylläolevan kollaasin kasaan. Mun rairuohot kasvaa jo, herneet on kanssa alkaneet itämään! Syötiin lauantai iltana hyvää fetasalaattia, juotiin kallista (6€) viiniä ja suklaatakin ostin. Se oli uuden kahvin kanssa tosi hyvää. Mä nukahdin jo puoli yhdeltätoista lauantaina, siitä on kiitettävä pitkää työpäivää.
Friday, 23 March 2012
Today morning...
Today morning....
-the sun is shining
-I had nothing to wear (even though my closet is full of clothes)
-Coffee tasted even better than yesterday
-I took a risk and put on big earrings
-I realized that it is Friday
-I like learning japanese (partially because we have a small test in 1,5 hours)
-the sun is shining
-I had nothing to wear (even though my closet is full of clothes)
-Coffee tasted even better than yesterday
-I took a risk and put on big earrings
-I realized that it is Friday
-I like learning japanese (partially because we have a small test in 1,5 hours)
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Viidakon tähtöset
Seurailen täältä käsin Suomen arvostettuja ja vähemmän arvostettuja uutiskanavia. Vähemmän vakavasti otettavalta uutissivulta löytyy jo usealta päivältä uutisointia "Viidakon tähtöset"-ohjelmasta. Kaiketi viidakkoon oltiin lähetetty suomalaisia "tähtösiä", jos näiksi voi salarakkaita, entisiä BB-asukkaita tai muuten vain kauneusleikkauksissa käyneitä 25-30vuotiaita naisia nimittää.
Tänään oli saatua juttu aikaiseksi siitä että näiden "tähtösten" piti tappaa kana. Voin kuvitella että nämä naikkoset ovat olleet tekemisissä vain vakuumipakatun kananrintafile-paketin kanssa. Tappamisen makuun oltiin kaiketi päästy kun "oltiin suolinesteessä ja veressä" ja kuulemma aloitusjakso oli "raju". Tällä olettaisin naisten kiljumista ja itkemistä kun kana piti tappaa. Ja itkien päätettiin ketä päättää kanaraukan elämän. Mielummin kana kuin ilman ruokaa, olettaisin.
Mutta hei, reality-televisio etsii uusia "ulottuvuuksia" mutta en usko että tämä miksikään uudeksi "Survivor":ksi kehittyy. Ohjelman jälkeen "tähtöset" himmenevät ja uudet kauneusleikkaukset ja painonpudotus yritykset vievät palstatilan tältäkin ohjelmalta.
No, minä jatkan tässä lopputyön kirjoittamista.
English: They are showing in Finnish television how a bunch of B-listed(rather not even listed) female stars are taken into a jungle and today it was reported in the yellow press how these "starlets" had to kill a chicken during the first episode. One of the girls was "covered in intestine fluids and blood and she tasted the feeling of killing ". Id say rather the chicken than loose the last fat around the operated boobs, right?
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Be optimistic
You know the feeling when you want to put on a bright coloured nailpolish but at the same second you realize, you have thrown your old and reliable bright coloured nailpolish away. This happened to me: I have thrown my bright orange nailpolish away. Had to settle for the colour "be optimistic". This colour is some autumn colour and I think during autumn you have to be optimistic that the coming winter is not long, dark and depressive.
So tomorrow I have to go and buy some of spring colour nailpolishes. In Austria the prices are not that bad as in Finland; here I get one polish for about 1,20€.
So lets be optimistic (that I'll find some seriously nice spring nailpolishes during this week):
So tomorrow I have to go and buy some of spring colour nailpolishes. In Austria the prices are not that bad as in Finland; here I get one polish for about 1,20€.
So lets be optimistic (that I'll find some seriously nice spring nailpolishes during this week):
Rise against in Vienna
Yesterday me, M and a friend of Ms' went to a concert in Vienna. From the drive between Vöcklabruck and Vienna I cannot say that much since I slept both ways over half of the time. Typical of me.
3 bands played in the concert: Touché Amoré, Architects and Rise Against.
I had a hunch what was waiting for me, but I havent heard songs from the 2 first bands before. I have known Rise Against for many years but have never really put them on my playlist. The first band was partially really cool and sometimes it was just screaming(at least for me). But then I realised I should listen how they play (Thanks M) and that made me like the music. I was hoping the same for the second band but I was wrong. I like rock and punk music and a bit harder direction of these music genres but I think this was the first and the last time I listened to Architects. Everyone can have their own opinion about this.
With Rise Against I was positively surprised, only one or two songs were such that I did not like at all. But today it has been almost the only band which I have been listening to. The best song from their performance was "Swing life away" during which the lead singer Tim McIlrath sat with a guitar on the stage and sung the song. The best thing was that his shadow was reflecting to the back wall of the Wiener Stadthalle. Here the song:
Käännös: Käytiin eilen Wienissä konsertissa M:n ja yhden hänen kaverinsa kanssa. Automatkasta ei ole sen enempää sanomista koska nukkusin molempiin suuntiin melkein koko matkan. Minulla oli oletus mimmoista musiikkia minua odotti, aika kovaa rock/punk musaa. Ensimmäinen bändi, Touche Amore, yllätti positiivisesti, toisesta bändistä Architects en perusta yhtään, oli ensimmäinen ja viiminen kerta kun tätä bändiä kuuntelin. Mutta jokaisellahan saa olla oma makunsa musiikin suhteen. Molemmat soittivat ihan mahtavasti ja saivat porukan tosi hyvin mukaan tunnelmaan, katsojista huomasi kyllä ketä he olivat tulleet katsomaan: Rise Against:ia.
Rise Against suoritti Euroopan kiertueensa viimeisen keikan kunnialla. Paras osa esityksestä on yläpuolella oleva biisi, jonka bändin laulaja Tim McIlrath lauloi akustisesti pelkän kitaran kera. Hänen varjonsa heijastui hienosti Wiener Stadthallen takaseinään luoden lisää tunnelmaa.
3 bands played in the concert: Touché Amoré, Architects and Rise Against.
I had a hunch what was waiting for me, but I havent heard songs from the 2 first bands before. I have known Rise Against for many years but have never really put them on my playlist. The first band was partially really cool and sometimes it was just screaming(at least for me). But then I realised I should listen how they play (Thanks M) and that made me like the music. I was hoping the same for the second band but I was wrong. I like rock and punk music and a bit harder direction of these music genres but I think this was the first and the last time I listened to Architects. Everyone can have their own opinion about this.
With Rise Against I was positively surprised, only one or two songs were such that I did not like at all. But today it has been almost the only band which I have been listening to. The best song from their performance was "Swing life away" during which the lead singer Tim McIlrath sat with a guitar on the stage and sung the song. The best thing was that his shadow was reflecting to the back wall of the Wiener Stadthalle. Here the song:
Käännös: Käytiin eilen Wienissä konsertissa M:n ja yhden hänen kaverinsa kanssa. Automatkasta ei ole sen enempää sanomista koska nukkusin molempiin suuntiin melkein koko matkan. Minulla oli oletus mimmoista musiikkia minua odotti, aika kovaa rock/punk musaa. Ensimmäinen bändi, Touche Amore, yllätti positiivisesti, toisesta bändistä Architects en perusta yhtään, oli ensimmäinen ja viiminen kerta kun tätä bändiä kuuntelin. Mutta jokaisellahan saa olla oma makunsa musiikin suhteen. Molemmat soittivat ihan mahtavasti ja saivat porukan tosi hyvin mukaan tunnelmaan, katsojista huomasi kyllä ketä he olivat tulleet katsomaan: Rise Against:ia.
Rise Against suoritti Euroopan kiertueensa viimeisen keikan kunnialla. Paras osa esityksestä on yläpuolella oleva biisi, jonka bändin laulaja Tim McIlrath lauloi akustisesti pelkän kitaran kera. Hänen varjonsa heijastui hienosti Wiener Stadthallen takaseinään luoden lisää tunnelmaa.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
The long wait is over, the package arrived 20mins ago. There was a lot of things inside and one of the best things was Fazerin Sininen chocolate, really the best chocolate in the whole wide world (you start to appreciate it once you cannot get it in your supermarket!).
So I made myself a coffee and cut some pieces of the valuable chocolate. Time to enjoy!
Käännös: Tänään tuli paketti viimein kotiin ja siellä oli kamalasti kaikkea kivaa. Yksi parhaimmista oli Fazerin Sininen, ihanassa sinisessä paperissaan. Keitin itselleni kahvia, otin parit palat suklaata ja leijuin jonnekin suklaataivaaseen. Ei Fazeria mikään kyllä voita!
So I made myself a coffee and cut some pieces of the valuable chocolate. Time to enjoy!
Käännös: Tänään tuli paketti viimein kotiin ja siellä oli kamalasti kaikkea kivaa. Yksi parhaimmista oli Fazerin Sininen, ihanassa sinisessä paperissaan. Keitin itselleni kahvia, otin parit palat suklaata ja leijuin jonnekin suklaataivaaseen. Ei Fazeria mikään kyllä voita!
Good morning!
This morning I woke up "early" (8am) but I stayed in bed and just enjoyed the quiet atmosphere in the flat. I realised that the sun was shining after the rainy day yesterday. This made me happy and I wanted to make really nice breakfast from me to myself. Here the result:
The juice was directly from bloodoranges which I have already had for many days. Since I havent eaten them, I pressed the juice out of them :) Really nice! And I took time and read the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, just to know what is going on. I have ordered Salzburger Nachrichten:in for 3 weeks for free, but since we dont get the mail delivered to the flat, our postbox is downstairs next to the front door. I was too lazy to go downstair and get the newspaper.
wish everyone a nice day, Im off to wait for a package which is coming today!!
The juice was directly from bloodoranges which I have already had for many days. Since I havent eaten them, I pressed the juice out of them :) Really nice! And I took time and read the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, just to know what is going on. I have ordered Salzburger Nachrichten:in for 3 weeks for free, but since we dont get the mail delivered to the flat, our postbox is downstairs next to the front door. I was too lazy to go downstair and get the newspaper.
wish everyone a nice day, Im off to wait for a package which is coming today!!
Monday, 19 March 2012
It has been such a long time since I last posted about my shoppings (I havent actually done that much shopping, to be honest) so now it is time to show what I have bought during the couple last weeks:
the first ones are some "jewellery" which I bought from SIX. It is sort of like Glitter in Finland, the quality is just better ;)
I have to admit that I am not such a big fan of such feather things but I think this is simple enough that I am not mistaken to be a city-pocahontas! The owl earrings were cute and the yellow-silver coloured ring is gonna be really nice during summer!
The 2nd thing is a shirt, which is orange. This colour is said to be the most popular colour of this spring and summer. So I am on top of my game and I have always liked orange, so this shirt was the perfect way to add this nice color to my closet. I found the shirt from H&M.
The last shopping what I did was a dress for M's sisters wedding, which takes place at the end of April. I saw at work a dress and since I get as an employee a nice reduction on the clothes of Mango(the name of the dress is Sexy, you can order it online, this link directs you to the online shop of Finland), I could not skip this offer. The dress looks way better when it is on, I am gonna post a photo then in April. The one thing that I think I am gonna buy is a black belt, which I would put there where the two different materials meet, it would give a nice extra touch to the dress. Shoes I have, a blazer/scarf/cardigan is the thing which I am still thinking about. I mean which of them to wear, need to try it during some day. Here the dress:
the first ones are some "jewellery" which I bought from SIX. It is sort of like Glitter in Finland, the quality is just better ;)
I have to admit that I am not such a big fan of such feather things but I think this is simple enough that I am not mistaken to be a city-pocahontas! The owl earrings were cute and the yellow-silver coloured ring is gonna be really nice during summer!
The 2nd thing is a shirt, which is orange. This colour is said to be the most popular colour of this spring and summer. So I am on top of my game and I have always liked orange, so this shirt was the perfect way to add this nice color to my closet. I found the shirt from H&M.
The last shopping what I did was a dress for M's sisters wedding, which takes place at the end of April. I saw at work a dress and since I get as an employee a nice reduction on the clothes of Mango(the name of the dress is Sexy, you can order it online, this link directs you to the online shop of Finland), I could not skip this offer. The dress looks way better when it is on, I am gonna post a photo then in April. The one thing that I think I am gonna buy is a black belt, which I would put there where the two different materials meet, it would give a nice extra touch to the dress. Shoes I have, a blazer/scarf/cardigan is the thing which I am still thinking about. I mean which of them to wear, need to try it during some day. Here the dress:
No Facebook, please
So last week I did it. I deleted my Facebook account. The first reaction from some of my friends was "why?". I thought, why should I stay in this internetpage which updates itself the whole time, most of the "friends" which I have in Facebook, I do not have any contact with. Of course it has also something to do with the fact that since I am a student, I spend a lot of time at my laptop. Of course, many times Facebook it on at the same time. In the end it was such a waste of time for me, it was more a waste of time than something which brought me something.
I have to say that Facebook has its good sides e.g. in staying in contact with friends who are not there where you live. Of course this was the case with my friends in Finland. But then again, with those friends, with whom I stay in contact via Facebook, also have my email adress and my cellphone number. And I have my blog ;) And in the end, we always called, sent an sms or sent an email, if we needed to contact someone. Nowadays people rather write in Facebook than use any of the mentioned ways of contact.
So now I am the outsider, who is not in Facebook. And I have to say, I don't really mind. I believe that many people are in Facebook only due social pressure: "All my friends are there, so I should also be there"
This opinion is only that of the writer of this blog, I do not speak for anyone else than for me and do not judge those in Facebook.
Käännös: Viime viikolla se sitten tapahtui, poistin Facebook-tilini. Siinä menee kaksi viikkoa että se poistuu lopullisesti mutta en voi valittaa elämästäni "ilman naamakirjaa". Oma ongelmani on se että olen opiskelija ja vietän paljon aikaa koneella. Monesti siinä samalla Facebook oli auki. Ei siinä mitään mutta kyseinen sivusto on melko hyvä ajankuluttaja, varsinkin jos koulutyöt kiinnostavat melko vähän. Tietenkin Facebookilla on hyviäkin puolia, siellä saa helposti kontaktia kavereihinsa, tämä on minun tilanteeni Suomessa olevien ystävieni suhteen. Mutta ei kai se puhelimen käteen ottaminen, soittaminen, tekstiviestin lähettäminen tai sähköpostin lähettäminen paljon tästä poikkea. Saatan olla hieman ulkopuolinen koska en ole Facebook:ssa enää, mutta ei se haittaa. Elämä onnistuu mahtavasti ilman tätä yhtä sosiaalista mediaa ;)
I have to say that Facebook has its good sides e.g. in staying in contact with friends who are not there where you live. Of course this was the case with my friends in Finland. But then again, with those friends, with whom I stay in contact via Facebook, also have my email adress and my cellphone number. And I have my blog ;) And in the end, we always called, sent an sms or sent an email, if we needed to contact someone. Nowadays people rather write in Facebook than use any of the mentioned ways of contact.
So now I am the outsider, who is not in Facebook. And I have to say, I don't really mind. I believe that many people are in Facebook only due social pressure: "All my friends are there, so I should also be there"
This opinion is only that of the writer of this blog, I do not speak for anyone else than for me and do not judge those in Facebook.
Käännös: Viime viikolla se sitten tapahtui, poistin Facebook-tilini. Siinä menee kaksi viikkoa että se poistuu lopullisesti mutta en voi valittaa elämästäni "ilman naamakirjaa". Oma ongelmani on se että olen opiskelija ja vietän paljon aikaa koneella. Monesti siinä samalla Facebook oli auki. Ei siinä mitään mutta kyseinen sivusto on melko hyvä ajankuluttaja, varsinkin jos koulutyöt kiinnostavat melko vähän. Tietenkin Facebookilla on hyviäkin puolia, siellä saa helposti kontaktia kavereihinsa, tämä on minun tilanteeni Suomessa olevien ystävieni suhteen. Mutta ei kai se puhelimen käteen ottaminen, soittaminen, tekstiviestin lähettäminen tai sähköpostin lähettäminen paljon tästä poikkea. Saatan olla hieman ulkopuolinen koska en ole Facebook:ssa enää, mutta ei se haittaa. Elämä onnistuu mahtavasti ilman tätä yhtä sosiaalista mediaa ;)
Friday, 16 March 2012
Summer is coming to Austria
Today was the first day of the year that I wore ballerinas. This is the nice side of living here in Austria, the warm weather comes earlier and there is no time when the snow turns into this watery snow and outside is as dark as inside a black bag!
There is of course still snow, but it is all in the mountains :) So its nice to look at but the same time it is possible to run in the city with ballerinas and a springjacket.
Suomeksi: Tänään oli vuoden ensimmäinen päivä kun laitoin ballerinat jalkaan ja menin ulos. Täällä on ihanan lämmin (ehkä hieman petollisen lämmin, siksi vedän kaulaliinan kaulaan. Ihan vain varmuuden vuoksi). Mutta tämä on kyllä yksi niistä positiivisista puolista Keski-Euroopassa, kevät tulee nopeasti ja loskakelit skipataan kokonaan! Lunta on, mutta se on vuorilla. On kiva ihailla auringonpaisteessa lumisia vuorenhuippuja mutta kaupungissa voi jo juosta ballerinat jalassa ja kevättakki päällä!
Today was the first day of the year that I wore ballerinas. This is the nice side of living here in Austria, the warm weather comes earlier and there is no time when the snow turns into this watery snow and outside is as dark as inside a black bag!
There is of course still snow, but it is all in the mountains :) So its nice to look at but the same time it is possible to run in the city with ballerinas and a springjacket.
Suomeksi: Tänään oli vuoden ensimmäinen päivä kun laitoin ballerinat jalkaan ja menin ulos. Täällä on ihanan lämmin (ehkä hieman petollisen lämmin, siksi vedän kaulaliinan kaulaan. Ihan vain varmuuden vuoksi). Mutta tämä on kyllä yksi niistä positiivisista puolista Keski-Euroopassa, kevät tulee nopeasti ja loskakelit skipataan kokonaan! Lunta on, mutta se on vuorilla. On kiva ihailla auringonpaisteessa lumisia vuorenhuippuja mutta kaupungissa voi jo juosta ballerinat jalassa ja kevättakki päällä!
Inspiration hits when you least expect it
So, it is now about 02.30am and I am awake. Why? Because during the last two-three weeks I have done almost nothing for my thesis. I have always had "something better" to do or I have just sat in front of my computer, without being able to write or read anything for my thesis. And from this I have had such a bad self-counciousness that I have even lost my nights sleep. Well, tonight, or should I say during the dark hours of the day, I was stung by the "inspiration bee" and I am writing my thesis now.
Its really shitty on one hand. Normal person would sleep at this point and wake up early in the morning and start to write. For being NOT like that, I need to thank my own mother. She likes working during the evening and night. Well the apple has not fallen far from the tree. I do not like to get up early in the morning and starting to do stuff. I'd rather sleep as long as I can, enjoy the day and as the day turns into evening, I start to work. I think this actually works for me, since during the last 1½ hours I have managed to write almost 1,5 pages. The same amount of text took me two weeks ago like 6 hours (that was during the day).
I hope everyone is dreaming of something nice and have some plans for the weekend. I think I am gonna stay up for some hours still, I have nothing much to do tomorrow anyways. Except that I wish to enjoy the sunny day which the weather cast promised and go to the Open House day of my university to help my japanese teacher to get other students interested in learning japanese!!
Suomeksi: Kello on puoli kolme yöllä, mua on iskenyt kirjoituskärpänen ja kirjottaminen sujuu tällä yökyöpelillä sutjakkaasti päivän pimeinä tunteina!!
Its really shitty on one hand. Normal person would sleep at this point and wake up early in the morning and start to write. For being NOT like that, I need to thank my own mother. She likes working during the evening and night. Well the apple has not fallen far from the tree. I do not like to get up early in the morning and starting to do stuff. I'd rather sleep as long as I can, enjoy the day and as the day turns into evening, I start to work. I think this actually works for me, since during the last 1½ hours I have managed to write almost 1,5 pages. The same amount of text took me two weeks ago like 6 hours (that was during the day).
I hope everyone is dreaming of something nice and have some plans for the weekend. I think I am gonna stay up for some hours still, I have nothing much to do tomorrow anyways. Except that I wish to enjoy the sunny day which the weather cast promised and go to the Open House day of my university to help my japanese teacher to get other students interested in learning japanese!!
Suomeksi: Kello on puoli kolme yöllä, mua on iskenyt kirjoituskärpänen ja kirjottaminen sujuu tällä yökyöpelillä sutjakkaasti päivän pimeinä tunteina!!
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Jukka Pojan uusi levy
Sorry but this one goes only for my finnish friends:
Jukka Poika julkaisee uuden levynsä virallisesti huomenna 14.3 mutta minä kovana Spotify:n kuuntelijana kuuntelen levyä jo eilisestä asti. Ja tämä levy on niin mahtava! Voin vain suositella jokaiselle joka katsoo ikkunasta harmaaseen maailmaan. Tästä levystä ei voi tulla muuta kuin hyvä mieli.
Mietin vain miten kesällä voi mennä ulos aurinkoon chillaamaan, levittää peiton maahan, ottaa mukaan pientä syötävää ja juotavaa ja pistää Jukka Pojan soimaan!
Kesää odotellassa tässä Spotify linkki ja video linkki You Tubeen.
Jukka Poika Spotify:ssa
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Writing, but not here
I am alive and well, the only thing that has been keeping me busy is my master thesis which I started to write about three weeks ago. There are days when I do not even want to see the whole thing and there are days like today, when I am actually motivated to read and write. So today, I am officially the nerd who is reading the books and has her nose glued to the computer screen.
Hopefully next time I'm writing about something totally different and I hope it is not gonna take me again 2,5 weeks to post something.
Hopefully next time I'm writing about something totally different and I hope it is not gonna take me again 2,5 weeks to post something.
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